We’d like to thank everyone for your patience and understanding over the last four months since we halted our regular competition. Recently everyone across sport and government has been working hard to define the details behind the Victorian Government announcement of a return to use of indoor stadiums – and exactly what does this mean for us.
Before we provide further details, we wish to note that given the current increased COVID cases in Victoria, we emphasise the importance of everyone following the Victorian Government restrictions and advice when planning, preparing or conducting basketball related activity. At Power Assist we will be working together with and following the Basketball Victoria Guidelines to help minimise risks and ensure there are consistent and safe experiences for participants. Check out further information on the Basketball Victoria site at http://basketballvictoria.com.au/covid-19/
Power Assist will continue to wait for further updates – all we can advise at this stage is that there will be NO GAMES during July. We understand that this is very frustrating for all our players and volunteers. We will continue to provide an update at the end of each month. We do hope that we will be able to return to the sport we all love, soon. But not just yet. Stay Safe.
If you have any queries please send an email to admin@powerassist.org.au