On Sunday 3rd March several of our volunteers hosted a basketball clinic for the members of Club 21 – this is a group of people who get together regularly to support each other through social and sporting outings.

Some of the Club 21 members had played basketball before but many were new to the sport we love – so we ran a couple of basic basketball awareness/skill sessions and then finished off with some competition.

A lot of fun was had by everyone.  Many thanks to Kim for being in charge of hydration (it was a hot morning) and to Sharon and Ash for outstanding enthusiasm, understanding and commitment to the enjoyment of the Club 21 participants.  As the chair of Power Assist, I was very proud of our Volunteers and also thankful for the invaluable support of the Power Assist Board.

For more information on Club 21 go to https://www.downsyndromevictoria.org.au/DSV/Our_services/Support_groups/Club21.aspx