We finished the 2017 year with a great Christmas Party – held once again at Sophia’s in Burwood, we danced the night away to a Silent Disco, and saw all of our players and coaches receive medals or trophies for their results throughout 2017.  Special congratulations to our annual award winners:

Graeme Gooding Award – Winter season MVP – Jake Nitas (ROAR)

Avis Meddings Award – Winter season MVP – Zarah Smith (AVENGERS)

John O’Toole Award – (for outstanding contribution) – Peter Shepherd (Coach BLAZING STARS)

Several weeks later our basketball community was rocked with the news that David McFarlane had passed away.  David played an incredibly significant role in our lives.  Commencing as a Dad/spectator, then coach, then our go to man for running Tribunals, David then volunteered to help us establish a more permanet and secure future.  He became our first ever Chairman for Power Assist and was instrumental in forming our not-for-profit charity entity.  At David’s funeral (held in December), Power Assist were among the many hundreds of mouners taking the opportunity to say Thank You to someone who’d made such an incredible impact.  There are so many things that David did for our Friday night competition but one that he was particularly proud of was the expansion of our competition to a second venue (at MLC) in Winter 2009.  Here’s a picture of David and Ash taken at our 30 year dinner.  David’s ever present smile, hearty sense of humour, incredible gift for encouraging and inspiring others to enjoy and be present, will be missed every moment.  Our sympathy goes to Marlene, Ash, Jess and Josh and to all who knew and loved David – our lives will certainly not be the same without this great man.